Dark Mattah Garlic

Benefits of Dark Mattah Garlic....
In Taoism mythology, black garlic was rumored to grant immortality. We can’t promise you that, but there’s no doubt that black garlic is great for your health—it’s loaded with nearly twice as many antioxidants as raw garlic. It also contains S-Allycysteine, which is fancy talk for a natural compound that has been proven to be a factor in cancer prevention.
7 Health Benefits of Dark Mattah Garlic....
1. Boosts Immune Function
Garlic in general helps boost our immune system thanks to its antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties than fight germs.
2. Heal Liver from Alcohol Damage
Even if liver can heal itself, too much alcohol can damage it permanently.
If you suffer from liver disease there is hope. Scientists have had positive results using aged black garlic on rodents in reducing inflammation and possibly reversing damaged caused by alcohol on the liver.
Take note that the experiment was on rats so we have no idea how human cells will react to the same treatment.
But it is a step in the right direction.
3. High Antioxidant Levels
A 2009 study showed that black garlic had more antioxidants than white garlic. And a diet that had 5% black garlic will improve insulin resistance. These same antioxidants also protect cells from damage and delay signs of aging.
Another study revealed that black garlic had twice the antioxidant level as white garlic. It appears as though the fermentation process doubled the amount of antioxidants. Other studies have shown as much as 25 times more potency which is insane.
This much antioxidant levels can help prevent Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid arthritis and similar chronic ailments.
It is this compound that’s responsible for many of black garlic’s benefits and the high antioxidant content.
However if you have an infection and want the benefits of allicin, consuming raw white garlic is a better option it has more of it.
4. Improve Cholesterol Levels
If you have high cholesterol you know how important balance of HDL and LDL is.
This means you have to keep your HDL or good cholesterol up and keep the LDL or bad cholesterol down.
Only lowering LDL without increasing HDL will not cure this disease. And that’s what prescription medication does.
Keeping these two at optimal levels is important to reduce risk of heart disease.
Black garlic has been subject to research to test if it could help people with cholesterol issues.
One such study was done in Korea in 2014 and the results show that taking black garlic extract for 12 weeks can increase the HDL (or good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (or bad cholesterol).
It also helps decrease allpoprotein B in blood lipids which is a strong indicator of heart disease.
Another study done at the Penn State University revealed that S-allyl cysteine (or SAC) from garlic inhibited cholesterol synthesis.
5. Reduces Inflammation
Many of black garlic’s benefits stems from its high active compound content. Research has shown that it contains as much as 100 active compounds. One of these compounds is S-allyl cysteine, a popular anti-inflammatory agen
6. May Prevent Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a silent killer whose symptoms only manifest when it’s in the latter stages. Many people have past away because of this disease and one of the best ways to treat this is actually preventing it in the first place.
A Spandidos Publication research has shown that black garlic can potentially prevent this disease by inhibiting the growth of a pathway that leads to colon cancer.
7. Easier to Consume Raw
There’s no scientific evidence for this, only real world experience by yours truly. I didn’t appreciate eating raw garlic until I was in my early thirties and it is a treat. The problem is for individuals who don’t like the flavor, it would be hard for them to enjoy the benefits of consuming it uncooked.
Black garlic offers an alternative and heart healthy option that’s sweeter minus the spice and aftertaste.
Plus you will not have bad breathe afterwards.