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Dark Mattah Garlic
Greetings and 13Love! I am Twan El-Sun Bey and I am pleased to bring to you Dark Mattah Garlic! and all the health benefits of a sweet savory flavor with a hint of coconut oil. Et has a tender, almost jelly-like texture. Et's as delicious as et is unique. So if you are looking to have your taste buds dancing and jumping for joy, then I suggest you try our Dark Mattah Garlic.
Did you know that Dark Mattah Garlic contains higher antioxidants than regular garlic which is known for reducing harmful free radicals in the body?
Here are the benefits of our garlic :)!!!
prevents development of cancer
reduces inflammation in the brain
kills parasites
wound infection
heals bronchitis
prevents whooping cough
fight viruses & bacteria
boost heart health
balance blood sugar
great memory
builds up the immune system

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